Resilience, Dreams, and Triumph: My Inspirational Journey from Palestine to Passing the FE Exam in the USA

Hamdi Hato
7 min readNov 4, 2023


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Palos Heights Public Library
Palos Heights Public Library

Every journey begins with a single step, and mine started in the land of Palestine. Originally from this remarkable corner of the world, I set my sights on a dream that would carry me across continents and through challenging landscapes. This dream was to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam in the United States, but the path I chose was far from ordinary.

My story is one of resilience, dreams, and unwavering determination. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to overcome adversity and achieve greatness. I hope that as you join me on this journey, my experiences will serve as a source of inspiration for your own aspirations and ambitions.

The Decision to Relocate: A Leap of Faith

My journey began in the picturesque landscapes of the West Bank, Palestine, where I pursued my education at Birzeit University. I spent four remarkable years there, soaking in knowledge, experiencing the vibrant culture, and building a strong academic foundation. Those years were more than just education; they were a transformation of my perspective on life and what it had to offer.

As graduation approached, a pivotal decision loomed on the horizon — where would I take the next step in my educational and professional journey? The allure of the United States had always been a magnetic force for countless ambitious students, and I was no exception. The promise of world-class education and diverse opportunities beckoned, and I knew I wanted to experience it firsthand.

My Way to the Library

Adapting to a New Culture and Educational System: Thriving in the Unknown

Stepping off the plane in the United States, I was filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. As a native Arabic speaker who had been raised in the Middle East, the cultural and educational differences were immediately apparent. The familiar surroundings of Palestine were replaced with the bustling streets of America, where English was the primary language, and the nuances of Western culture were inescapable.

This new chapter was a leap into the unknown. It demanded that I adapt, embrace change, and navigate challenges with unwavering determination. As a foreign student, I understood that every obstacle was a stepping stone, every cultural difference an opportunity to learn, and every day a chance to grow.

Oak lawn library
Oak Lawn Public Library

Preparing for the FE Exam: Overcoming Challenges with Grit and Perseverance

The journey from Birzeit University to the United States was a leap of faith, a commitment to embracing the unfamiliar, and the courage to chase a vision of personal and professional growth. However, the path to passing the FE exam was laden with challenges that often felt insurmountable.

The restaurant job that provided my income also demanded long hours, leaving little time and energy for exam preparation. I grappled with exhaustion, self-doubt, and the weight of supporting my family overseas. The decision to temporarily step away from work to focus on the exam was a monumental choice, made with the understanding that achieving dreams sometimes requires sacrificing the known for the unknown.

Amid the trials, I found strength in the sense of community that surrounded me. Connecting with like-minded individuals in study groups and online communities provided not only valuable insights but also a network of support. They were a reminder that no journey is solitary, and determination is amplified when shared.

My Early Morning Set-up

The Experience of Taking the FE Exam: A Triumph Beyond Measure

The journey toward the FE exam was not merely an academic pursuit; it was a transformative experience that shaped me in profound ways. The decision to fully commit to my career and professional growth, despite the uncertainty and challenges, became a defining moment. It was proof that resilience knows no bounds and that dreams can be realized, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

The FE exam wasn’t just an academic test; it was a symbol of my unwavering commitment, my determination to overcome adversity, and my relentless pursuit of my dreams. As I sat down to take the FE exam, I felt the weight of my journey and the anticipation of what lay ahead. It was a culmination of months of relentless effort, resilience in the face of adversity, and unwavering commitment to a brighter future.

Green Hills Public Library

The Moment I Found Out I Passed: Emotions That Soared High

The week following the FE exam was perhaps one of the most challenging weeks I had ever experienced. I kept my eyes glued to my email inbox and repeatedly checked my NCEES account. The anticipation was a constant companion, and I could hardly contain my excitement and anxiety.

Then came the day I had been waiting for. I woke up around 5 a.m., unable to wait any longer. My heart was racing as I reached for my laptop and checked my email. There it was, a notification that sent a surge of emotion through me: “Your result is in your NCEES account.”

In a state of disbelief, I hastily logged into my NCEES account. My eyes scanned the screen, searching for those two words that meant everything: “Pass” in bold green. It was as though time stood still. My heart skipped a beat, and a rush of emotions flooded over me. I jumped from my bed, unable to contain my joy and excitement.

However, as I dialed the number to call my parents overseas to share this moment with them, I was reminded of the somber reality that was unfolding in my home country, Palestine. It was a moment of mixed emotions, as I celebrated my achievement while being acutely aware of the turmoil and hardships that continued in my homeland.

My tears were not just tears of sorrow; they were tears of pride and accomplishment. I had achieved a significant milestone, one that had shaped my journey in countless ways.

My Classic Pose-Selfie

The Impact of Passing the FE Exam on My Career and Future Goals: A Bright Horizon Beckons

Passing the FE exam was a pivotal moment in my life, a turning point that illuminated the path forward. It was not the end of the road but a stepping stone towards even greater heights. The desire to achieve more, to pursue my dreams, and to impact the world of engineering burned brighter than ever.

One of the immediate impacts of passing the FE exam was the relief it brought. The stress and pressure I had experienced during the preparation, and even when contemplating taking the exam, evaporated. It was as though a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders, leaving me with a newfound sense of freedom and possibility.

The sense of happiness and confidence that washed over me was palpable. I realized that I had not only gained a professional qualification but also a personal testament to my resilience and determination. It was a reminder that with unwavering commitment, even the most formidable challenges could be conquered.

With the FE exam behind me, I now set my sights on the next goal: obtaining my Professional Engineer (PE) license. The journey was far from over, but with each step, I was inching closer to the realization of my dreams. The FE exam had provided me with a foundation of knowledge and experience that would serve as a springboard for the future.

As I look to the future, I do so with a renewed sense of determination and a heart filled with hope. My journey as a foreign student who studied abroad, worked in a restaurant in a tough neighborhood, and passed the FE exam was a testament to the power of perseverance. It was a story of overcoming challenges and achieving dreams, a story I hope will inspire others to reach for the stars, no matter where they are from or what obstacles they face.

The FE exam was not just an examination; it was a life-altering experience that shaped my journey in profound ways. It was a testament to the power of resilience, the pursuit of dreams, and the unwavering commitment to a brighter future

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Hamdi Hato

Hamdi Hato is a Civil and Environmental Engineer (FE)with expertise in LEED, AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, fluent in Hebrew, Arabic and English.